Unleash the ocean's bounty with Growganica's "Kelp it Real," a highly concentrated, water-soluble kelp powder. Sustainably derived from the pristine waters of the North Atlantic, this product captures a concentrated blend of Ascophyllum nodosum, a seaweed celebrated for its rich nutrient content. Kelp it Real is the go-to solution for infusing plants with essential micronutrients.
Understanding the NPK and Composition:
Potassium (K) 14%: This high level of potassium is vital for numerous plant processes, including photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and enzymatic functions, contributing significantly to overall plant health and resilience.
Derived from Ascophyllum nodosum: Harvested from cold, nutrient-rich waters, this type of kelp is known for its abundance in natural growth stimulants and trace elements, crucial for plant vigor.
Key Benefits:
Strengthens Plant Resilience: Improves plants' tolerance to stress factors such as drought, temperature extremes, and pest attacks.
Boosts Root and Foliage Development: Encourages robust root growth and lush foliage, enhancing the plant's nutrient and water uptake capabilities.
Enhances Flowering and Fruiting: Supports the flowering and fruiting stages, leading to healthier and more abundant blooms and harvests.
Rich in Micronutrients: Provides a diverse range of micronutrients essential for balanced plant growth and metabolism.
Eco-friendly and Sustainable: Harnesses the natural power of the ocean in a sustainable manner, promoting eco-friendly gardening practices.
Application Guide:
For All Plant Types:
Dosage: Mix 1/4 teaspoons of Kelp it Real per gallon of water.
Frequency: Apply with each watering during all growing stages.
Application: Ideal for soil drench and foliar feeding, ensuring thorough nutrient absorption.
General Tips for All Applications:
Adapt Based on Plant Response: Monitor your plants and adjust the frequency or concentration as necessary.
Complementary Use: For best results, combine with Growganica's Microbes and other organic fertilizers in your gardening regimen.
Plant Categories and Uses:
Houseplants: Invigorates growth and improves overall health.
Vegetable Gardens: Stimulates robust development and enhances yield quality.
Ornamental Flowers: Promotes vibrant blooms and vigorous growth.
Lawns and Landscapes: Strengthens grass and landscape plants, improving overall resilience and appearance.